Ca intotdeauna, am cunoscut oameni minunati pe drum!
O sa revin cu o relatare amanuntita a calatoriei spre si in Noua Caledonie care sper ca va fi utila tuturor celor gata de aventura! Pentru ca, da, Marea Caledonie este in primul rand o mare aventura, mai ales pentru o calatoare solo.
Deocamdata fac fata socului termic si decalajului orar asa cum pot : o baie fierbinte, o carte buna, pijamale de iarna si o patura!
I've just came back from my holidays in New Caledonia. 3 weeks of holidays, sun, sea, white sand, palm trees, the Caledonian wild west, rodeo, the Island of Pines, snorkeling, dive, colorful markets, swimming with the turtles and "dolce far niente".
I will come back with details, step by step, of my trip to New Caledonia. I hope this will be useful for everyone who wants to hop in this adventure. Because, yes, first of all NC is first of all a rad adventure, especially for solo travelers.
For the moment, I'm just coping as well as I can with the thermal shock and the jet lag : a hot bath, a great book, winter p-jas and a blanket!
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Plaja de la Anse Vata/Anse Vata beach |