miercuri, 24 aprilie 2013

posibilitati nelimitate


Atunci cand trebuie neaparat SA MA APUC DE TREABA/SCRIS/CITIT whatever you have to do for work my possibilities of procrastination are unlimited. It's like I have super powers just to hang around, wasting my time when I really, really have to work at something.

Let's take this instant to begin with : I should work but instead what am I doing?
I : changed the sheets, washed clothes, hang out the clothes, cleaned my room, watered the plants, rearranged the furniture, re organised  my wallet and so on...just to tell you at what advanced level I am. And of course I found an outrageous article on the internet ( the mother of all possibilities) which I will share with you, because my blood is at the boiling point :

click on Sarah Palin

Good. Now : cum naiba sa nu te "faire monter la mayonnaise" dupa cum ar zice francezii cand citesti asa ceva? Stiu ca it's such a clichée dar este atat de stupid. Doara pentru ca esti o natiune "Mare" nu inseamna ca poti sa te iei de natiunile mai mici si " mai proaste" ( pentru ca sunt mai mici sunt si mai proaste, asta e un truism pentru ele). Sa o poke around like your little stupid sister! Small doesn't mean stupid!!! Bref, je me suis excitée sur ca....tout pour ne pas travailler.

Am si o carte care sa imi tina de urat, as usual...The art of procrastination care ma invata sau ar trebui sa ma invete sa fac acest lucru eficient, cica se poate!

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