And a little bit more..."cats rule and dogs drool" asa zicea cartea, nu? Pacat ca eu sunt indragostita iremediabil de caini si am un "rau de caine" cu pisicile.
Someone said once that when God made dogs he just sit down and smiled! :) One of my dreams is to have a golden retriever or a labrador! And a house with huge windows and trees in the garden. And to be able to become one of the bests in what I do!
Today it was sunny! Freaking cold but sunny. I woke up at 6.30 and in 30 minutes I was out the door, running *walking really fast* to the train station. Lucky for me that I had enough time, because I almost mixed up the trains. But it was ok in the end. the crispy winter air made me smile. in my ears john was singing "imagine". "imagine ther're no countries, it isn't hard to do!". n=Next station : Brasov, please!
Ozzy and his "dreamer" followed. "gazing trough a window to the world outside, wondering it Mother Earth will survive, hoping that men kind will stop abusing her, sometime!"
A fost atat de greu sa ajung in punctul asta, Freud zicea ca omul ar face orice numai sa nu ramana fata in fata cu el insusi. E greu sa fii singur si fericit. Dar si cand esti! Iti dai seama ce tampenie a fost frica asta, cate ai ratat. Pentru ca, in realitate, nu suntem niciodata singuri! Fighting for my sanity, many nights of tragedy!

I was in my happy place : in a cosy train with a good book. Awesomeness. Am ajuns. Hochfelden! Welcome in the middle of nowhere. OK, let's do some medicine! Pacientii ma privesc cu neincredere : sunt tanara, sunt femeie, am tocuri si sunt machiata!! Dumnezeule!!! O oraseanca!! The horror! Dar se conformeaza, sunt singurul medic din zona :p
Vineri am fost impreuna cu grupul meu de prieteni la iluminarea oficiala a bradului de Craciun din Strasbourg (cel mai mare din Franta, Strasbourgul, fiind cunoscut ca "Orasul in care s-a nascut Craciunul"). A fost foarte frumos, a inceput cu proiectii video in ritm muzical pe cladirile din place Kleber dupa care a fost iluminat si mult asteptatul brad. Cu aceasta ocazie, va anunt ca s-a intamplat minunea Craciunului, ca sa o citez pe Celine : "Regardez! Mada est en train de pousser une possette! Vite, vite, il faut qu'on appele Cornel, il y a de l'éspoir, il peut encore devenir papi!" Haha, hilarious!
Va las cu un time laps ilustrativ despre Strasbourg, in perioada Craciunului si, DA, este atat de frumos!!
Azi am primit o veste minunata, minunata! O minune s-a intamplat! De-abia astept rezultatul!
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