a fost o garda foarte grea dar foarte instructiva. when you are delivered to yourself you have to step up and asume. every decision that you take we'll mark someones life. you see things, get scared, get sick, get confused and you are in the situation to question everything you are. because at a certain point in your life, you will be standing alone, having a face to face conversation with yourself. and then you have to stand tall and speak clearly for all the decision you've made.
ce garda de uf! sick as a dog, pe de alta parte...ce a fost normal in ultimele 24 h?
imi place sa lucrez la spital. imi place contactul cu infirmierele, cu ceilalti medici, cu pacientii. imi place sa am un rost bine definit, I really do. si imi plac, se pare, urgentele, and this kicks the shit out of me. este subapa mea. cele 24 de ore in care sunt ACOLO! in care nu am timp sa ma gandesc la altceva!
stay with us, child...
all we need it's just a little patience...
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