In seara asta plec la Paris si de maine sunt oficial in vacanta. M-am hotarat : eu nu o sa folosesc niciodata cuvantul concediu. E un cuvant mare, serios si urat si cu potential de coborare a moralului. Pe cand vacanta suna perfect! Suna a relaxare, distractie; let's have a drink or 2 or 5. Let's go crazy and chillax.
Acum sa vedeti ce am eu in plan pt vacanta asta....
Sa ma intalnesc cu prietenii mei carora le-am dus atat de mult dorul si sa intregim gasca de oameni incredibil de minunati ce suntem :p
Sa gatesc cu El si sa ma bucur de fiecare moment petrecut impreuna. El sa fie Remy iar eu Emil :p
Apoi sa mergem impreuna la dans si la film si sa ne dam cu hidrobicicleta si sa radem si sa zburam cat mai sus, ne tinem de mana, zambim amandoi spre o lume nebuna :)
Sa ma relaxez...ca si domnul din imagine :)
And just enjoy the ride! and be awesome and relaxed and king of bongo bong.
joi, 17 februarie 2011
a venit vacanta cu avionul din Franta :D
funny pictures
on how life is
luni, 14 februarie 2011
once I was dreaming about tofu!
a corriger...postare nefinalizata
once upon a time in America I was dreaming about tofu.
now I`m in France and I`m dreaming abouth Shanghai.
maybe tomorrow I`ll be in Australia dreaming about living the dream!
the point is that we will always dream about something we don`t have.
maybe even we don`t need.
it`s the pressure of the society.
feel it. and then trough it away.
who are they to impose us limit? to cut our wings?
we are the children of the city. we are young, beutiful and brave. fearless. young. rebels.
we want music, freedom.
we are not afraid to shut up.
we want light and power.
motorcycles and tatoos.
leather jackets.
speed. rock. stars.
we have no limits and have no boundaries.
some roads lead nowhere.
povestea fara sfarsit...before I was myself I was Bastian in a never ending story...zburand pe spatele pufosului caine dragon!
once upon a time in America I was dreaming about tofu.
now I`m in France and I`m dreaming abouth Shanghai.
maybe tomorrow I`ll be in Australia dreaming about living the dream!
the point is that we will always dream about something we don`t have.
maybe even we don`t need.
it`s the pressure of the society.
feel it. and then trough it away.
who are they to impose us limit? to cut our wings?
we are the children of the city. we are young, beutiful and brave. fearless. young. rebels.
we want music, freedom.
we are not afraid to shut up.
we want light and power.
motorcycles and tatoos.
leather jackets.
speed. rock. stars.
we have no limits and have no boundaries.
some roads lead nowhere.
povestea fara sfarsit...before I was myself I was Bastian in a never ending story...zburand pe spatele pufosului caine dragon!
into the wild
on how life is
rock and roll
the never rnding story
youth gone wildm leather jackets
vineri, 11 februarie 2011
duminică, 6 februarie 2011
marea nevazuta
pentru ca unii oameni au darul de a vedea minuni in lucrurile si fenomenele care ii inconjoara. E atat de frumos sa iti deschizi ochii mintii si sa vezi dincolo de aparente. Intr-o zi ploioasa te poti bucura de picaturile perfecte si translucide de ploaie. Intr-o zi friguroasa mintea e mai ascutita ca oricand. Sa nu mai vorbim de minunatii fulgi de zapada. So stop bitching about the fog and the rain and the cold and the people and the "problems" and just enjoy the ride! In fond, suntem responsabili de propria noastra fericire , suntem ceea ce vrem sa fim. Iar viata noastra se modeleaza si construieste dupa trairile noastre interioare, chiar daca noi nu constientizam asta. Degeaba ridica multi sceptici din sprancene cand aud de optimism si de puterea gandirii pozitive. Este adevarat! Culorile vindeca, gandirea pozitiva la fel. Oamenii frumosi, cu mintea limpede care ne inconjoara ne ridica. Trebuie sa cautam clarul, frumosul, pozitivul in ceea ce ne inconjoara. In fond, minunile ne inconjoara, trebuie doar sa avem sufletul deschis pentru a le putea vedea.
Via "Dulapul cu vise" am descoperit marea nevazuta :) M I N U N A T!
"The unseen sea" by SIMON CHRISTEN :
"Steaming city" by SIMON CHRISTEN :
Morcheeba - "Enjoy the ride"
Via "Dulapul cu vise" am descoperit marea nevazuta :) M I N U N A T!
"The unseen sea" by SIMON CHRISTEN :
The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen on Vimeo.
"Steaming city" by SIMON CHRISTEN :
Steaming City from Simon Christen on Vimeo.
Morcheeba - "Enjoy the ride"
balkan music
enjoy the ride
heart mechanics
ma galaxie
on how life is
san francisco
simon christen
the unseen sea
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