10 ani si 3 inele mai tarziu regatul meu este stabil.
am trecut prin momente de fericire absoluta, inumana, stelara si prin momente de nefericire...la fel.
am zdrobit suflete in proces iar al meu...suflet...a iesit si el cam terfelit din toate povestile astea.
am stat de multe ori si m-am intrebat : "what is it with men?"
2 au vrut sa ma imblanzeasca.
1 a inteles ca nu poate si m-a inteles asa cum eram.
DAR toti 3 au vrut de la mine : sa gatesc, sa ne casatorim, sa avem un copil ( sau mai multi).
ok, it's like, I know that this is how usually the things are going but but but...I don't follow!
nu am fost pregatita, asa ca de fiecare data am fugit, lasandu-i in urma.
reminiscentele unui copil unic, egoist? might be.

cel mai ironic a fost locul ...Paris. As if...sous le ciel de Paris marchent les amoreux...
iubesc Parisul! muzeele, agitatia, moda, vibeul, e minunat orasul asta! it never stops. minunat si crud!
asa ca atunci cand aud "Paris orasul dragostei" ma cam inverzesc. cum sa reduci un oras atat de complex la asta? la dragoste! de fapt este ca si cum ai reduce o relatie la gatit, casatorie si copii. this is ssssssssssssssoooooooo wrong! nu am destui plamani ca sa strig asta : " THIS IS WRONG!!!"
one cannot be reduced at this dimension! two is impossible. there are 2 different worlds who are coming together so why try to reduced them to 1 dull world. I mean they can mix but please don't try to reduce 'em to mix and match clothes and babyes.
I do understand that for some people this is a natural way to continue a beautiful story but I don't get the people who make from this the main purpose of their lives. this is stupid and inappropiate. one shall love/understand him/herself before doing this. if not fatal errors will happen. and the one who will suffer the most will be the baby.

My headache is killing me so...I will not get further but please, please, just understand that there is so much more in life than getting married and have babyes. If this happens naturally it's great, a miracle of life. If not, this means that you have the chance to discover yourself and meet more wonderful people. Either way the process should be rich in experiences and beautiful. Not painful. Not sad. Not a sentence.
There are so many wonderful people who aren't living their lives properly just because that they are afraid to be alone! This is wrong on so many levels. For them, for the person with whom they are ( who is probably also unhappy), for their friends, for all the wonderful people that they will never meet, and probably for their true love who just passed them.

I strongly believe that at some points in our lives we just meet people who we like, who have the same passions as us at that point, we just cross and sometimes we just let go after that. It's not wrong, it's not weak, it's just fine, because at some point all the things/people who shouldn't be in our lives just leave. It's life. It's love. It's wonderlast!
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