duminică, 28 octombrie 2012
Un articol care ne arata ca uneori, numai uneori, valorile sunt rasplatite si incurajate, chiar daca simbolic, sa duca la capat misiunea lor in lume. Pentru ca stelele nu mor niciodata, dar se uita. De citit : articolul acesta.
Cand suntem mici mereu ne dorim sa crestem. Din diverse motive : ca sa fim mari, sa facem ce vrem, sa nu mai depindem financiar de cineva, sa ne luam viata in maini...and then it happens : ne trezim mari, responsabili de propriile noastre decizii, traind consecintele actiunilor noastre intr-o societate unde supravietuirea si integrarea in "sistem" nu sunt evidente. Daca nu vrei sa te lasi angrenat in "the big machine" lucrurile sunt si mai complicate. Dupa cum spunea un coleg de serviciu, care este printre altele PRINT in tara lui ( da, lucrez cu un print...) : "In tara asta fiecare are parte lui de rahat, una mai mare sau mai mica, dar nu te nelinistii, toata lumea gusta!". Mda, ca si in viata, m-am gandit eu.
Totul e liniste. Si vezi cum trece tot pe langa tine. Esti in mijlocul intersectiei, totul se misca ametitor de repede. Culori, sunete, oameni, masini, totul se amesteca intr-un pastel ametitor de inalt si de jos si...caruselul continua. Si spectacolul continua. Esti tu simplu spectator, SPECTATORUL, actorul sau omul de serviciu? You're in the basement or in the sky? Esti ceea ce alegi sa fii, daca esti destul de puternic. You will succeed, life always finds a way. Always!
Cand ai o toleranta foarte mica asta ca sa nu spunem inexistenta la esec, viata este grea. Dar eu...eu voi izbandi acolo unde altii s-au oprit. Chiar de ar fi sa fac 1000 de drumuri pentru ceea ce mi se cuvine de, drept, I'll follow rivers. And I will not stop until I'll get what I deserve. Why do people stop dreaming and where do we go from here? Stiam ca o sa fie greu, dar nu atat de greu.
Bazarul vietii :
2) afara este frig si de-abia astepti sa ajungi acasa, unde e cald si bine, unde e persoana iubita, placinta cu mere ca la mama acasa si cele 5 tone de ceai cumparate din Germania si importate de God knows where.
3) uneori, mancam la chinezoi, daca suntem bogati, la inceputul lunii.
4) as vrea sa am casa plina de flori, plina, deja am 1 ghiveci cu flori mici, galbene, care a supravietuit vitejeste de vreo 4 luni... 1 orhidee, crizanteme, flori portocalii, galbene, purpurii mi-ar placea sa am.
5) saptamana viitoare, pe vremea asta o sa fim in plin proces de mutare, este pentru prima oara cand o sa avem "casa noastra".
6) e o casa mare, luminoasa, frumoasa, cu multe flori la geam, cu o terasa la malul unui rau si cu un garaj pentru mona, poate o sa revina chiar si motanul vagabond.
7) this song is mind blowing!
8) o sa fac naveta timp de 2 luni, cu trenul, ceea ce ma entuziasmeaza pentru ca o sa pot sa citesc in tren, dar o sa mai vb dupa 2 luni de trezit la 6,30 si ajuns acasa la 20,30
9) change your heart, look around you, change your heart, it will astound you
10) when will this clouds all dissapear?
11) o sa incerc sa gatesc mai mult, si nu numai deserturi :p I know well that you can't call that cooking :)
12) zapada multa si sa nu mai fie atat de frig. la cat mai multe concerte which leads me to N° 13 :
13) luna trecuta am fost la concertul Therion de la Paris asa ca luna asta compensam cu The Cranberries si Rodrigo Y Gabriela la Strasbourg.
the cranberries
the passenger
the road
youth gone wildm leather jackets
vineri, 26 octombrie 2012
bilantzul blitz al celor 6 luni de stagiu in serviciul de urgente pediatrice chirurgicale :
- am invatat ca, copiii nu sunte niste oameni mari in miniatura, si trebuie tratati ca atare
- educatia face un copil
- sa fac enspe mii de suturi/ atele/ gipsuri
- am invatat chirurgie viscerala, diagnosticele de baza
- am invatat ca imi place la nebunie sa ii invat pe altii ceea ce stiu eu sa fac
- ca un om tanar este un om care are sufletul tanar
- ca oricat de greu ar parea intotdeauna se gaseste o cale de iesire
- ca pot trai fara sa dorm, fara sa mananc mai mult de o zi
Sincer, mi-a placut mult stagiul asta. Motiv pentru care o sa mai fac garzi, chiar daca eu am terminat stagiul.
Urmeaza medicul generalist pt 6 luni.
On verra :)
- am invatat ca, copiii nu sunte niste oameni mari in miniatura, si trebuie tratati ca atare
- educatia face un copil
- sa fac enspe mii de suturi/ atele/ gipsuri
- am invatat chirurgie viscerala, diagnosticele de baza
- am invatat ca imi place la nebunie sa ii invat pe altii ceea ce stiu eu sa fac
- ca un om tanar este un om care are sufletul tanar
- ca oricat de greu ar parea intotdeauna se gaseste o cale de iesire
- ca pot trai fara sa dorm, fara sa mananc mai mult de o zi
Sincer, mi-a placut mult stagiul asta. Motiv pentru care o sa mai fac garzi, chiar daca eu am terminat stagiul.
Urmeaza medicul generalist pt 6 luni.
On verra :)
1000 de chipuri
anger management
aventuri urbane
marți, 23 octombrie 2012
post it
post it for myself
she smiled to me on the subway...
but she was with another man...
she can see from my face
that I was flying high
...'cause I'll never be with you!
I've kissed your lipd and held your hand
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell
I've been addicted to you.
trouble is her only friend
and he's back again!
ain't it funny?
trouble is the only way in this town!
if she would have wings
she would fly away!
she smiled to me on the subway...
but she was with another man...
she can see from my face
that I was flying high
...'cause I'll never be with you!
I've kissed your lipd and held your hand
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell
I've been addicted to you.
trouble is her only friend
and he's back again!
ain't it funny?
trouble is the only way in this town!
if she would have wings
she would fly away!
fly away
for what is worth
Le petit Prince
losing my religion
luni, 22 octombrie 2012
it's that time of the year...
when you arrive at home in the evening with your hands frozen and your legs shaking 'cause it's cold.
when you cannot remember the last time when you've seen a pinguin or a sane person.
when you ask yourself how would it be if everything will stop now, here, like this. would you be happy or you would try to rewind it and do it the other way around?
when you seek comfort and strenght but you do not find them all the time.
when you drink tones of tea of all the flavours of the world and suddenly the world seem to be a better place.
when you wish being in a more coloured and peaceful place 'cause the grass is always greener on the other side, ain't it?
when you like going to work and listening to robbie wiliams in your headphones or TopMusic in your car.
when you wish so so much that you have a dog who will love you no matter what and will never bitch abount anything!
when you love your job but hate all the amount of time and energy that she's taking from you.
when you would like to go to a walk in the park but you are too tired even for sleeping, and besides that it's cold and it's raining, and you didn't bought yet your new umbrella.
when a friend in need is a friend indeed but a friend with solutions would be better.
when everybody is friendly with everybody even tough they hate them or their guts, it's called society.
when you know that people are not equal, never were and never will be, and never should be.
when you're silence is causing violence, where are you mistaking?
when you swallow your words.
when you make muffins.
when you are the only crazy person who wants to be on call in the emergency room after the finish of the internship period.
when you realize that children are not as bad as they seem..
when you would like some new clothes and boots but...no, another time.
when you realize that it's not your time today!
when you love the light in your room and the smell of cacao.
when you cuddle in the arms of the loved one.
when you hate it so much when people are cursing and bitching and complaining all day long! because you realize that you will end like them if you let them eat you alive.
when you gonna go somewhere where people are simple and kind, where faith and hope are a way.
when your day is too short for all the things you have to do.
when you say hello to a stranger with whom you'll work 2 months, from Monday 'till Friday. who has a huge mahon desk with the map of the world on it, and seems like an acient magician.
when you would write more and more beautiful but somethinh is getting in your way...
I'm just looking
I'm not buying!
I'm just looking
Keeps me smiling!
Imagine luata de pe facebook!
when you cannot remember the last time when you've seen a pinguin or a sane person.
when you ask yourself how would it be if everything will stop now, here, like this. would you be happy or you would try to rewind it and do it the other way around?
when you seek comfort and strenght but you do not find them all the time.
when you drink tones of tea of all the flavours of the world and suddenly the world seem to be a better place.
when you wish being in a more coloured and peaceful place 'cause the grass is always greener on the other side, ain't it?
when you like going to work and listening to robbie wiliams in your headphones or TopMusic in your car.
when you wish so so much that you have a dog who will love you no matter what and will never bitch abount anything!
when you love your job but hate all the amount of time and energy that she's taking from you.
when you would like to go to a walk in the park but you are too tired even for sleeping, and besides that it's cold and it's raining, and you didn't bought yet your new umbrella.
when a friend in need is a friend indeed but a friend with solutions would be better.
when everybody is friendly with everybody even tough they hate them or their guts, it's called society.
when you know that people are not equal, never were and never will be, and never should be.
when you're silence is causing violence, where are you mistaking?
when you swallow your words.
when you make muffins.
when you are the only crazy person who wants to be on call in the emergency room after the finish of the internship period.
when you realize that children are not as bad as they seem..
when you would like some new clothes and boots but...no, another time.
when you realize that it's not your time today!
when you love the light in your room and the smell of cacao.
when you cuddle in the arms of the loved one.
when you hate it so much when people are cursing and bitching and complaining all day long! because you realize that you will end like them if you let them eat you alive.
when you gonna go somewhere where people are simple and kind, where faith and hope are a way.
when your day is too short for all the things you have to do.
when you say hello to a stranger with whom you'll work 2 months, from Monday 'till Friday. who has a huge mahon desk with the map of the world on it, and seems like an acient magician.
when you would write more and more beautiful but somethinh is getting in your way...
I'm just looking
I'm not buying!
I'm just looking
Keeps me smiling!
Imagine luata de pe facebook!
today has been ok
white trash beautiful
youth gone wildm leather jackets
duminică, 14 octombrie 2012
don't panic
We live in a beautiful world, yes we do, yes we do...
Where do we go? Nobody knows, I just have to say I'm on my way...
Uneori ai vrea sa te faci mic, mic si sa te bagi in buzunarul de la piept al oamenilor mari, sa vezi si tu pe unde calatoresc, ce lume cunosc ei, cu cine si cum stau la taclale, daca au ticuri enervante ca si restul muritorilor.
Avantajul job-ului meu? Sunt in contact permanent cu Mari Oameni, care ma inspira, care imi restabilesc increderea in umanitate si in lumina. Ei te scot din intuneric, iti lumineaza drumul si, daca ai ochii si mintea deschise, te pun pe traiectoria buna, ca sa nu mai iesi niciodata de pe orbita.
Dezavantajul job-ului meu? Mizeria umana vazuta zi de zi, invidie si faptul ca sunt in contact permanent cu oameni tampiti, prosti, idioti, necultivati, rai.
Bottom line : un idiot reuseste sa puna deseori in umbra un Om Mare doar pentru ca are gura mai mare si soricul mai gros.
My point : nici un job din lume nu te scuteste de micimea sufletului omenesc dar tine numai si numai de tine ca sa iesi in lumina. Iar lucrurile nu devin niciodata mai usoare, numai ca nopi devenim mai buni. Sa stii care iti sunt punctele slabe, sa le recunsoti si sa incerci sa le ameliorezi, asta te face un om mare. Nu aroganta!
O calatorie foarte lunga a inceput cu o plecare in lume, singura, doar cu trollerul meu.
Am fost descurajata si incurajata constant. Am ales sa ii ascult pe cei care ma incurajau. Gura lumii nu o sa o putem inchide niciodata. Iar deseori oamenii vad cu ochii rai rezultatele muncii noastre si asta numai pentru ca nu au fost martorii traseului anevoios pana la atingerea scopului mult dorit. Daca ar stii, nu ar mai judeca atat de mult, poate ca ar intelege...singuratatea alergatorului de cursa lunga.
Poate ca in viata nu le poti avea pe toate. Dar cum ajungi sa te multumesti cu ceea ce ai? Asta e partea cea mai grea, still working on it.
Sa ai curajul sa spui DA si NU. Sa stii ce trebuie sa alegi. Sa poti sa lasi tot ce ai drag in urma si sa pleci, sperand la un viitor mai bun, sperand sa ajungi un Om Mare!
Si drumul e lung si greu, spinos si interesant, dulce si amar, uneori te lasi colpesit de disperare, ca apoi sa o iei de la capat, in lupta contra rutinei, disperarii, confortului...
Nimeni nu resita fara repere, fara puncte de sprijin...I'll wait for you there, like a stone!

Iar apoi sa nu uitam ca oricat de glamorous si happy ar fi aparentele, everybody hurts sometimes :
!!! Nici una dintre poze nu imi apartine, toate sunt preluate de pe FaceBook de pe Art Revolution!
a song for the lovers
always somewhere
aventuri urbane
calator in timp
ceai de inimi
despre fericire
enjoy the ride
everybody hurts
you and I
duminică, 7 octombrie 2012
My favourite place in Paris : le Panthéon, avec le pendule du Foucault!
I got some problems but they won't last...
And this is how we surf in Paris!
I wanna go somewhere, outside in the clean, fresh air...close your eyes!
And the Therion concert was brilliant!
1000 de chipuri
always somewhere
aventuri urbane
călător în timp
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