luni, 25 noiembrie 2013

Fluturele din min(t)e

E bine sa iti gasesti locul, sa fit in. Normalitatea nu exista ca un absolut. Exista grade si grade si eu cred ca normalul este limita de confort a fiecaruia. Si ma fandeam azi asa ca e bine, ca imi e bine. Si, God knows, ca probabil trec prin cea mai instabila perioada din viata mea. Practic, e ca si acum 3 ani cand mi-am luat trolerul si am venit sa fac rezidentiatul la Strasbourg. In decembrie il termin, 3 ani trec repede.

iDiots is a masterplan : just click here to watch it!

Ieri am primit un cadou de ziua mea : o cana, o cutie muzicala si o carte. Eram toti in jurul mesei and I felt at home : cu celine, fulga, andreea, cristi si bianca (bibi as she is 4 months old). Era cald, galagie, muzica, eram bine.

Azi m-am trezit, asa cum ar trebui sa ma trezesc in fiecare zi, cu dorinta sa fie cea mai tare zi! Sa ma autodepasesc si a fost o zi de care sunt multumita. Mi-am baut cafeaua cu un pic de lapte, m-am machiat (7 minute crono, the usual) iar in timp ce imi puneam manusile din piele neagra (care ma fac sa ma simt ca un bad ass rock star chiar si cand sunt la pamant) si mergeam spre masina un gand m-a atins gingas :
" Mada, stii tu ce zi e azi?"
 "Da, azi e luni, luni 25 Noiembrie."
 "Ok, si a ce iti miroase?"
 " A iarna, a zapada"
 "Super, fii pe faza".

Am stiut ca azi o sa se intample!

Dimineata am avut un val de consultatii! Dar impreuna cu Dr. K totul e mai usor si prind constant incredere in mine. E frumoasa si medicina generala, in felul ei. Ceea ce vreau sa zic este ca toata dimineata a fost un soare minunat! A fost o placere sa facem vizitele la domiciliu, chiar daca am ramas plantati in fata blocului unei doamne cu Alzheimer care nu a vrut nicicum sa ne deschida. Asa ca dna la etaj, noi la parter, ne mai lipsea chitara si scara, mai ales scara. Eram ca in Romeo si Julieta numai ca noua ne era frig! A fost destul de patetic.

Dar un soare, mon cher, ce soare! Asa ca am facut cateva mici cumparaturi, m-am intors acasa cu un zambet pe fata si cu mainile incalzite de la volanul cald :)

Dupa-masa am mancat acasa, cu colegele de apartament si apoi am plecat iar la lucru. Am vazut o gramada de copii! Am facut multe vaccinuri, it was distracting. Si la un moment, la ora 7 fara 20 nu mai era nici tipenie  de om in sala de asteptare. Ceea ce este foarte nebisnuit, de obicei terminam la ora 8 seara! Si cand am iesit eu din cabinet la ora 7 fix ce sa vad : NINGEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Iar cum francezii habar nu au cum sa conduca iarna si cum e un pic de zapada pe strada totul este paralizat, nu au venit la doctor! Ningea oameni buni cu fulgi mari si grasi! Despre asta soptea fluturele! Zapada mea draga e aici!

In alta ordine de idei, a fost atat de nebun si ne-bun anul asta si acum astept vestile bune, care incep sa vina. Ce bine e cand familia e bine, vorba lui louie din "Viata cu Louie" : "Familia e familie". Asa ca o sa ma duc la ski in vacanta, in Poiana Brasov, tata imi ceruieste déjà skiurile. Si o sa vad prieteni dragi de care imi era tare, tare dor!

Iar pentru moment incerc sa fac asta :

Si din ce in ce mai des ma simt ca si Alice in Tara Minunilor :

Am descoperit si am inceput sa accept ca :

Si am ales sa :

Pentru ca :

Noapte buna, sub zapada de clestar!

Si va las cu ceva constructiv :  filosofia explicata in forme geometrice! :) click AICI

sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2013

Calatorie spre centrul Pamantului

I am not Jules Vernes but I still have some stories to tell.
Travelling stories because I love traveling. For me it's a way of life. After 3 years I get itchy feet and I have to move forward. And I have to do at least 1 BIG TRAVEL every year. Unfortunately the last year was poor in traveling events but I will catch up the next year and that's a promise. This year it was Martinica (island). Next year there will be Reunion (island), Portugal and Italy.

But in order to remember my dear stories 'cause "verba volant scripta manent" I have decided to make a part of my blog a travelling one. Like a road journal which I am to lazy to keep properly. So the aquarelle of the first countries I visited will be made of scratches.

I will tell you stories about :
1) Serbia
2) Egypt
3) Taiwan
4) France
5) Bresil
6) Belgium
7) The Netherlands
8) UK
9) Germany
10) Spain
11) Swiss
12) Martinica
13) Italy
14) Croatia
15) Czeck Republic
16) Hungary

And I have to keep on travelling because it's such an amazing experience! Somehow it teaches you what you never learn in school. It makes you aware of your power to change yourself and the world but it also teaches you about how small you are in the universe. And I will stop traveling only when my hearts stop because traveling is time with myself, it's my source of energy and mainly because it makes me like this :

Take me on a spin with the mad hatter @ Europa Park

Let's drink some wine in Strasbourg and sail the seas of concrete!

Party with dear friends in Strasbourg some while ago.

Party in Mulhouse :)

Les arts scéniques at Selestat.

Music is my drug of choice and also people who laugh!

I'm always chasing dragons!

Familia e familie la Piraul Rece.

Vremea trece dar prietenii raman la Cluj :)

Brasov-ul meu drag si mama.

When in Paris Champs Elysées is a must!

And les Tuileries aussi...

My favourite place in Paris...le Pantheon : pendulul lui Foucault!!!

When in Montmartre laugh you heart out!

And dance with Pan in the Jardins de Luxembourg!

Christmas market in Colmar and friend gatering!

When in the Caraibean Sea : dive...

And drink some more until all gets blurry...

But all the good things come to an end!

Try not to dry out...

Make new friends...

And get to know the local culture....

And blend into the local colours...

So where do we go now???

To drink a Cosmopolitan, of course...

And eat some thai food...


And end it with a new adventure!

To start it over on top of the world...

With fire works

And crazy friends!!

Of course, that most of the time life is like this :

But who cares only about that part? :) Traveling is my drug of choice 'cause no one ends in addictology with no reason!

luni, 18 noiembrie 2013

When life gives you...

...lemons, make lemonade.

I heard this once and since it has been stuck in my head. Always take the best part out of harsh situations. Optimismul te va salva caci daca dupa colt, te asteapta mai mult??
Something borrowed, something new, every me and every you. A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend with weed is better.

Va las cu o serie de poze minunate! AICI!

Dorothy : "how can you talk if you don't have a brain?"
The scare crow : "Well, some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?"
The wizard of oz

duminică, 17 noiembrie 2013

stirile de la ora 5

Inima imi este usoara si corpul fara vlaga, mintea imi este plina de idei care ma bombardeaza neincetat.

Nu incetez sa am anumite idei macabre care revin. Mereu si mereu si mereu.
De fiecare data cand cobor scarile imi imaginez ca fac o entorsa si cad pe scari, imi fracturez ceva si sfarsesc intr-un pat de spital. Cand trec strada imi imaginez ca o sa fiu spulberata de o masina si ca o sa devin praf de human remains ci nu praf de stele. Not glamorous at all. Mai ales pentru cineva care vrea isi doneze organele. Sick imagination? Maybe.

As I lay here in my bed everything seems so peaceful. it's Sunday the 17 of November, 11 AM.
It's very unusual for me to be in bed at this hour, usually at 6.50 AM I'm up and ready for a brand new day of action and fight (although I hate mornings from the bottom of my heart) . But not today since my body has been defeated by bacterias. yes, I am sick as a dog. it was the candy on the funerary cake. With all the stress that I had lately it was kind of predictable. I haven't sleep all night : the fever made me dance in my bed until exhaustion. I finally felt asleep at 6 AM after changing 4 rounds of p-jas. I asked myself how would it be if I would not wake up? What have I done well and what have I done wrong?

 Ma si vedeam la stirile de la ora 5 : "Tanar medic generalist gasit mort in patul sau din cartierul Montagne Verte, Strasbourg. Madalina era plecata de 3 ani in Franta, unde exercisa functia de medic rezident de Medicina generala. Moarte naturala sau... Tanara locuia impreuna cu inca 2 colegi de apartament, care i-au gasit cadavrul in jurul orei 12, cand s-au ingrijorat datorita absentei ei din bucataria animata a apartamentului" (suspans). Probabil ca m-ar fi pus in grila de program undeva intre baba violata si ucisa cu bestialitate de nepotul ei si intre baiatul vreunui grangur local care a omorat/ranit grav vreo 5 oameni pe trecerea de pietoni, pe verde, cum altfel?

Hell, no! I have so much more to give and I have so many places to visit and so many people to meet!

So as I lie here I just enjoy the silence. The appartement seemed deserted. No noise. I imagined myself back to the Caraibes. Floating on a sea of secrets, under the burning sun. Like a pirate! And then I asked myself : what the fuck is wrong with me? How could I let the disease take control over me? I guess I was so exhausted and just at the idea that the holidays are just in one month my body just shut down. The reality is that I can't stand on my feet more than one hour. I like to call it the glass hour. It's the day that I remembered my strenght and my limits. I walked down the limit of my thoughts and there was no place for words. There was no place for regrets and it was definitely no time left for pain or sorrow.

I just floated on my dreams, my sea of dreams. I went through my accomplished dreams and imagined others to come. I felt good. Like this :

Nu stiu cine a avut ideea sa transforme stirile de la ora 5 intr-o parada a grotescului. De ce nu ar putea sa fie stirile de la ora 5 pline de vesti bune, interesante? Sa stim si noi cine a mai castigat o medalie la un concurs, ce carti au mai iesit pe piata, ultimele noutati muzicale de calitate, o decizie buna luata de conducatorii nostrii (pentru moment, o utopie), proteste din suflet si cu suflet, o natiune care se trezeste la viata si devine constienta de resursele ei. Oameni uniti pentru un ideal. No, Sir, why would we talk about that? We like dirt! Sa aruncam cu noroi in vecini, in rude, in politicieni, in medici, sa aratam crime, sa abrutizam natiunea! Si nici in alte tari nu este mai bine, cel putin in Franta este la fel. Nivelul intelectual ar natiunii scade. Non valorile urca. Showuri "pacatoase", detectivi care dezvaluie mizeria de sub pres, taclale de doi bani, banul vorbeste. Iar Omul Macaroana conduce.

As I was lying on my bed, looking at the sea of dreams, I decided to dive 'cause if you never try you'll never know!

vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

Concertul Morcheeba

Strasbourg 13 Noiembrie 2013.
Am ajuns cam cu 10 minute inainte sa inceapa concertul si am fost surpinsa de marea de oameni de toate varstele, most of them geeks :)

In fata mea stateau doua tipe care...semanau cu noi (L always on my mind...) : aveau ruj rosu inchis, unghii negre, par lung, imbracate in negru si tipau si sareau si urlau cat le tineau vocile. Mai tii minte cand ne-am intors pe jos de la concertul Cargo din Livada si ploua? Era toamna si ne tineam de mana. Cantam tare si saream in balti. Alergam : "camaradul meu de sange, doar de tine imi e dor, va spun tot ce am in matze and I don't care about you at all...'cause I love chaos!"

She looks like an angel, she sings like an angel, she's Skye Edwards from Morcheeba!
" I thought that you were wise but you were otherwise!"

Am si cateva melodii filmate dar nu reusesc sa le uploadez :( it was awesome!
Asa ca va las cu un mini clip de la Paris, tot de anul asta!Lovely song, lovely lady, amazing group!