I just love this song. It's difficult not to share a smile when you're listening to it. If I am at home I instantly start dancing. It comes naturally. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth.
Face asteptarea mai dulce. Pentru ca uneori asteptarea este...lunga. So I just go in my world of fantasies...
Curios cum o seara poate schimba totul. O intalnire cu un irakian muzician, cu vreo 40 de ani mai in varsta decat mine dar cu un suflet de copil! Om frumos si vesel, cu maini magice. Om colorat, om daruit. O m care daruieste si imparte fara regrete. Om care traieste ca si cum maine nu exista. Om care traieste numai si numai in prezent. Cate putem sa invatam de la cei din jurul nostru, este minunat!
Ne facem rau cand criticam. I thought that you were nice but you were otherwise...
Ne facem rau cand ne agatam de lucruri materiale, cand ne agatam de oameni. Daca cineva decide sa iasa din viata ta inseamna ca nu a trebuit sa fie acolo de la bun inceput. Daca ai invatat ceva din pasajul lui/ei esti norocos. Daca ai reusit sa faci sa tresara ceva in inima celuilalt chiar si pentru cateva minute/zile...e bine; esti bine.
Ochii care nu se vad se uita, din fericire, uneori. Noroc ca Dumnezeu a lasat uitarea pe acest Pamant.
Oare este adevarat ca vezi in jurul tau ceea ce vrei sa vezi? Ca ceea ce esti tu in interior se reflecta in jurul tau? Pentru ca atunci e bine...vad oameni fericiti si dornici sa invete, sa se dezvolte, vad copii in corpuri de adult, vad soare, cer albastru, copaci infloriti, piete de duminica, biciclete...cam asa.
El a fost in Franta dar eu eram la Berlin. Ne-am ratat la cateva zile distanta. Nu a fost sa fie nici de data asta. Dar e OK. Suntem OK after all this years we both healed. And we both grow up in the persons that we've wanted to be, and strangely we did not grow apart. I wish you luck, sun, smiles and love sailor!
Deci e Primavara :)
Meanwhile in Berlin :
joi, 27 martie 2014
"le songe du docteur"
1000 de chipuri
always somewhere
călător în timp
guns `n' roses
live and let die
one in a million
marți, 25 martie 2014
I love Berlin because it reminds me of how easy and pleasant life's actually and about how we are complicating it!
Before going to Berlin I was not in a very happy place : work, friends...people...I was feeling kind of confused and lost in translation. I was in such a hurry all the time, I didn't have patience anymore, I wanted answers and I was getting kind of radical which is sort of not me. And the worst part is that I've almost stop dreaming my life away.
So I kind of spontaneously decided to go there. Berlin wasn't even on my wishlist of cities that I wanted to visit. But I had a friend there and I was kind of curious so...there I went.
First of all Berlin is relaxed : smiling people everywhere with a beer in their hand, chatting outside in the sun, with their dogs (with no leash!) just sharing some smiles, exchange some ideas.
Second : every person that I've been in contact with spoke perfect english!
Fear cand hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
So I kind of new that even if I get lost (which was often the case :) I will akways find someone to help me.
Big monuments, large avenues, good food and drinks and partyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! It's amazing how on the same street you can have a russian, a thai, an italian and a pakistani restaurant. You get to see a metal bar next to a latino club and it's all cool.
Also everybody is smoking in bars and clubs. Which bothered me at the begining but reminded me of Cluj. So it was cool. I danced and laughed and shared coffee and food with people met randomly on the street. People tried to sell me weed and I even got mistaken for a prostitute (because I was wearing high heels) which is kind of funny (years for now I will laugh with L. : hey do you remember that time when I came to visit you in Berlin and I was mistaken for a prostitute? Yes, it was funny!). People where simple, dressed in black and not dressed to impress, happy, with lots of tattoes, mohawks, funky, funny, colored, of all types, spanish, italians, turkish...
Someone told me that in Berlin are more architects than cab drivers.
No one screams, no one runs, no one is rude. At least the people that I've met.
They say that you see what you want to see. That what you see is a reflection of you. I've chosen to see the beautiful in Berlin, the alternative, the good coffee and the smiling people. Peace. Because the rest is not important.
I got scare tissue in Berlin. I got better. It will always be my happiness reminder with his squats, his music, the people. It's true that a friend in need is a friend indeed but a funny sarcastic friend with a big heart, beer and a lovely top flor apartment is better.
I mean it's simple : viata e frumoasa si nimic nu merita regrete. So just do what you feel like doing and don't regret it. Regrets just complicate life and don't solve anything. Don't look back in anger. Live in the moment because you never know if you'll still be there for the next moment. And dream, dream big so you can achieve big things.
Don't waste your time on people who don't deserve you. People that bring out the best of you are the only valid option.
I am always saying that there is nothing that the road can't heal. I truly believe this. One voyage as often as possible keeps the doctor away...and the sun in your life. We are what we give to other people. I've chosen to give love. So if you give me nothing, nothing is what you get.
W A L K I N G A R O U N D in Berlin parks, museums, bars I found my lost equilibre. And it felt good, natural, it felt like home. Oh, and they also have huge Flea Markets! When Didi left for the rainbow community I didn't get it. It took me a while. But she was happy so it was ok. Now we're all just fine : in africa, europe or australia united we stand! We are bulletproof now :)

1000 de chipuri
joi, 20 martie 2014
" where there's a will there's a way, you can get it
the old daily grind drags you down, if you let it!"
stay curious!
enjoy the ride!
the old daily grind drags you down, if you let it!"
stay curious!
enjoy the ride!
smile forever and a day!
1000 de chipuri
alice in wonderland
always somewhere
wonderlust king
joi, 6 martie 2014
kiss, kiss, bang bang
... you're dead. I hate packing but I love travelling. So , as usual, I am packing just now...
1000 de chipuri
always somewhere
walk this way
where is my mind
wonderlust king
miercuri, 5 martie 2014
like a stone
cantecul asta spune totul.
"... I'll wait for you there like a stone
I'll wait for you there alone...
And on I read until the day was gone;
And I sat in regret of all the things I've done;
For all that I've blessed, and all that I've wronged,
In dreams until my death I will wonder on.
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there alone...like a stone...."
Berlin here I come! Please, help me forget!
"... I'll wait for you there like a stone
I'll wait for you there alone...
And on I read until the day was gone;
And I sat in regret of all the things I've done;
For all that I've blessed, and all that I've wronged,
In dreams until my death I will wonder on.
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there alone...like a stone...."
Berlin here I come! Please, help me forget!
1000 de chipuri
always somewhere
eu rad cand imi vine sa plang
la mecanique du coeur
like a stone
luni, 3 martie 2014
passion with a stranger
call it love, call it whatever you want if it suits you, take what you need, take everything that this world has to give you and you won't owe anyone a thing 'cause it's said and done...go on now and have fun!

sometimes you just have chemistry.
sometimes you don't feel anything at the beginning and after that it comes slowly.
sometimes you have love but you don't have chemistry.
if you have chemistry and love...you're kind of blessed!
it's been like I've been trapped under the ice. nothing to lose, nothing to gain... no regrets! just memories! as many memories as possible!
When in doubt, drink Champagne! :D
Mederic tonight is the night we'll fight 'till is over! So we'll put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us! :D
Job! Magic pills!
Stras my love!
The old crib! Pe vremea cand aveam o terasa ce bine eraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
1000 de chipuri
alice in wonderland
of monster and men
on how life is
perfect song
steaua mea
where is my mind
white trash beautiful
duminică, 2 martie 2014
Moi : "so...what's you age again? you turned like...29?!"
Fulga : "do you want me to kill you now or later on? you know that my biological clock will kill you!"
Moi : "yes, without blinking!"
Fulga : "Why aren't you a guy??!!"
Moi : "Hmmmpfff... I don't know :))"
Fulga : "Anyways you would be too short and not asian!"
Moi : "Yes but you'd love my personality and my guts and other stuff... :D"
Fulga : "Mmm, yeah... meanwhile let's not talk about my age again..."
Moi : "Or other weird stuff... :))"
Fulga: "Word!"
Fulga is one of my flatmates!
I would like you to listen to BOY while reading this
Fulga : "do you want me to kill you now or later on? you know that my biological clock will kill you!"
Moi : "yes, without blinking!"
Fulga : "Why aren't you a guy??!!"
Moi : "Hmmmpfff... I don't know :))"
Fulga : "Anyways you would be too short and not asian!"
Moi : "Yes but you'd love my personality and my guts and other stuff... :D"
Fulga : "Mmm, yeah... meanwhile let's not talk about my age again..."
Moi : "Or other weird stuff... :))"
Fulga: "Word!"
Fulga is one of my flatmates!
I would like you to listen to BOY while reading this
sâmbătă, 1 martie 2014
how long does it takes...
... for you to see inside of me?
"... Arată-te
Şi arata-mi
Unde am greşit
O mană atinsă
Ramasă aprinsă
Chiar dacă ţine
Acum un cuţit..."
"... Arată-te
Şi arata-mi
Unde am greşit
O mană atinsă
Ramasă aprinsă
Chiar dacă ţine
Acum un cuţit..."
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